Investigating the Satisfaction of Students within Public Sector and Private Sector Medical Colleges: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan
Satisfaction of Students in Medical Colleges
Student Satisfaction, Thematic Analysis, Faculty Support, Expressive infrastructure, Medical educationAbstract
Medical education is a highly regarded career choice among the majority of students in Pakistan. A significant number of students enroll in medical colleges in Pakistan with the aim of serving humanity, obtaining social and financial advantages, and fulfilling their parents' desire to see them become doctors. In that respect the consideration of student satisfaction is important in relation to effectiveness within their performance as well. Objective: To analyze the satisfaction level for the students within the public and private sector medical colleges in Pakistan. Methods: he semi-structured interviews were selected for the current research. The interviews provided the expressive possibility towards collecting efficient data in from of opinions and experiences from 5 medical students enrolled in the public sector medical colleges and 5 medical students from private sector medical colleges in Pakistan. Results: The research highlighted that on the main consideration there were different types of issues which are influencing the satisfaction of students within different considerations and backgrounds from the medical sector. The teacher perception, way of teaching and the aligned developments in relation to better consideration here were related to the specified orientation for the structure of transformative development in relation to the satisfaction of students. Conclusions: On a concluding note, it can be said that the students in private and public medical colleges in Pakistan has satisfaction issues. However, the teacher support and facility have the possibility to enhance satisfaction
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