Gratitude, Self-Efficacy and Self-Care Behaviors among Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases
Gratitude, Self-Efficacy and Self-Care Behavior
Gratitude, Self-Care, Cardiovascular Diseases, Inclusive Healthcare, Self-EfficacyAbstract
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a complex disease with persistent course of treatment having serious consequences for the patients’ wellbeing. Positive psychological factors can play a significant role in improving CVD outcomes. Objectives: To better understand the intricate relationships among gratitude, self-efficacy, and self-care behaviors in individuals diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional research design was employed for the study. 160 patients with CVD aged between 40 to 60 years (M=49.79, SD=5.59) were selected for the study through purposive sampling. The Gratitude Questionnaire, Self-Care Behavior Scale-9 and General Self Efficacy Scale were used to measure gratitude, self-care behaviors, and self-efficacy respectively. Results: Results revealed a significant relationship between gratitude, self-care behaviors and self-efficacy. The findings also indicated self-efficacy to be a significant predictor of self-care behaviors. Conclusions: The study advocates for inclusive healthcare interventions that emphasize the role of gratitude and self-efficacy on self-care behaviors for enhancing wellbeing of CVD patients. It contributes to the understanding of the psychological dynamics within CVD patients emphasizing the role of interventions that promote holistic well-being.
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