Analgesic Efficacy of Ropivacaine Infiltration in Puncture Site of Mini Percutaneoius Nephrolithotomy Tract
Ropivacaine Infiltration in Mini Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Tract
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy, Ropivacaine Infiltration, Post-Operative PainAbstract
To compare the mean postoperative pain score in patients with ropivacaine infiltration in the access tract with placebo in patients undergoing mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Methods: Total 82 adult patients of either gender undergoing mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy, between 9 and 63 years of age were included in the study. The patients were randomly allocated into two groups by lottery method. Patients in group A were given 20ml of 0.25% ropivacaine in the access tract while patients in group B were given 20ml of normal saline as placebo at the beginning of surgery at the nephrostomy site. Post operatively all patients were carefully followed at 2, 4 and finally at 6 hours. All patients were examined to determine the pain scores at the mini PCNL puncture site using visual analogue scale. Results: The mean age of patients in group A was 40.60 ± 11.62 years and in group B was 40.26 ± 13.15 years. Out of 82 patients 43 (51.43%) patents were male and 39 (48.57%) were female with male to female ratio of 1.1:1. Mean postoperative pain score in patients with preoperative ropivacaine infiltration (group A) of nephrostomy tract was 3.2 ± 1.2 and in placebo (group B) was 5.60 ± 1.64 with p-value of 0.0001. Conclusion: This study concluded that mean postoperative pain score of ropivacaine infiltration in the PCNL tract is less than placebo in patients undergoing mini percutaneous nephrolithotomy.
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