Factors Affecting Contraceptive Behavior Among Young Married Couples
Factors Affecting Contraceptive Behavior
Contraception, Millennium Development Goal (MDG), World Health Organization (WHO), Fertility Rate, Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)Abstract
Improving reproductive health is central to achieving the Millennium Development Goals on improving maternal health, reducing child mortality and eradicating extreme poverty. This requires that married couples should understand and adopt safe and effective methods of fertility control. Objective: To study the contraceptive behavior of young married couples presenting to fertility and contraceptive clinic – Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Liaquat University Hospital, Hyderabad. Methods: 100 young married couples with age in between 18 to 25 years were enrolled (chosen via non-probability - consecutive sampling) for this cross-sectional analysis. After taking written informed consent, data was collected using an anonymous, self-structured, interview based questionnaire comprising of inquiring regarding basic biodata and sociodemographic details. Detailed history of marital relations, contraceptive knowledge and behavior along with complaints regarding self-perceived barriers to contraceptive use were noted. The data obtained was analyzed using SPSS version.21 & Microsoft Excel 360. Results: Active contraceptive practice at the time of survey was 31.5% and the only known contraceptive behavior among the couples were either oral contraceptive pills, condoms or abstinence method. Contraceptive practice was more common among more educated individuals, with higher socioeconomic status and those living in a nuclear family and already having at least 1 male child. Contraceptive use was less reported in couples early after their marriage and use was more frequent in later years. Conclusions: There is a dearth of knowledge among young married couples regarding more modern methods of contraception and the contraceptive practice is rather limited. The perception towards contraceptive too can be improved through proper education.
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