About the Journal

Title of Journal: Pakistan Biomedical Journal (ISSN Online: 2709-2798, Print: 2709-278X)

Frequency: Monthly

Affiliated with: Lahore Medical Research Center


     37-A Canal Bank Cooperative Housing Society, Lahore, Pakistan

Published By: CrossLinks International Publishers (CLIP), Lahore, Pakistan


      37-A Canal Bank Cooperative Housing Society, Lahore, Pakistan


Pakistan BioMedical Journal (PBMJ) is an Official Journal of "Lahore Medical Research Center LLP" (LMRC) and is being funded and supported by Lahore Medical Research Center LLP (LMRC).

Pakistan Biomedical Journal (PBMJ) is an open access, Monthly, peer-reviewed international journal that publishes in all fields of health, allied health and biomedical sciences for an internationally diverse authorship. Clinical studies, clinical trials, population studies, public health, discovery medicine, study of microbes, molecular and cellular biology, basic mechanisms of biology, genetics, cancer biology, molecular medicine, pharmacology, virology, chemical biology, immunobiology, chemical biology, physiological and pathological studies are within the scope of journal.
A highly-cited, multidisciplinary, international editorial board assures timely publication of manuscripts. Reviews on latest advancements in biomedical sciences+ are Types of articles:

  • Research papers
  • Short communications
  • Review or mini-reviews
  • Commentaries
  • Perspectives, opinion
  • Meta-analysis
  • Case reports
  • Case studies
  • Case-control studies

Reviews on recent progress in biomedical sciences are commissioned by the editors. The purpose of the PBMJ is to publish scientific and technical research papers to bring attention of international researchers, scientists, academicians, health care professionals towards recent advancements in biomedical sciences. The articles are collected in the form of reviews, original studies, clinical studies etc. It may serve as a global platform for scientists in relevant fields to connect and mutually share ideas. This journal is open to all the research professionals whose work fall within our scope.
Approved & recommended by HEC
Our Journal is approved and recommended by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. (HRJS journal recognition system).
Schedule for Articles Submission:
Submissions are welcome and may be submitted here. submissions@pakistanbmj.com
Fee & Subscription Charges
Article Processing Fee: NONE
Article Publication Fee (National) Rs 35000 / Article
Article Publication Fee (International ) 200 USD / Article
Printed Version: Rs 2500/per copy
Waiver Policy
If an author has no funds to pay such charges, he may request for full or partial waiver of publication fees. The decision may however vary from case to case.
We do not want charges to prevent the publication of worthy material.
Submission are welcome and may be submitted here. submissions@pakistanbmj.com

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