Pakistan Biomedical Journal
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Title of Journal: Pakistan Biomedical Journal (ISSN Online: 2709-2798, Print: 2709-278X)
Frequency: Monthly
Affiliated with: Lahore Medical Research Center
746-A, Kashmir Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore, Pakistan
Published By: CrossLinks International Publishers (CLIP), Lahore, Pakistan
590-Karim Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore, Pakistan
Description:Pakistan BioMedical Journal (PBMJ) is an Official Journal of "Lahore Medical Research Center LLP" (LMRC) and is being funded and supported by Lahore Medical Research Center LLP (LMRC).
Pakistan Biomedical Journal (PBMJ) is an open access, Monthly, peer-reviewed international journal that publishes in all fields of health, allied health and biomedical sciences for an internationally diverse authorship. Clinical studies, clinical trials, population studies, public health, discovery medicine, study of microbes, molecular and cellular biology, basic mechanisms of biology, genetics, cancer biology, molecular medicine, pharmacology, virology, chemical biology, immunobiology, chemical biology, physiological and pathological studies are within the scope of journal.
A highly-cited, multidisciplinary, international editorial board assures timely publication of manuscripts. Reviews on latest advancements in biomedical sciences+ are
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