Intracranial Hematomas Evaluated On CT
Computed Tomography, Facial injury, Intracranial Hematoma, Subdural hemorrhage, Traumatic head injuryAbstract
Patients sustaining maxillofacial fractures are at risk of accompanying traumatic intracranial hematomas, which are a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Prompt recognition of the clinical signs, followed by a neurosurgical inspection and diagnosis, is crucial for improving patient survival and recovery. Objective: To determine frequency of intracranial hematoma related to traumatic skull and facial injuries evaluated on Computed Tomography. Methods: This study was conducted on 195 patients from radiological department of Lahore General hospital who had road traffic accident. In this Cross-sectional study conduction advance 16 multislice CT device which shows advanced desire 3D and was used to assess intracranial hematoma in patients with skull and facial fractures. All patients with intracranial hematomas related to skull and facial injuries in trauma center and all age groups without any gender specificity were included in this study. All patients having bleeding disorders or using anti-coagulant were excluded. Results: Out of 195 patients in which 48 (24.6%) were females and 147 (75.4%) were males. 132 (67.7%) patients out of 195 patients had headache, 64 (32.8%) patients had nausea, 116 (59.5%) patients had vomiting, 149 (76.4%) patients had speaking difficulty, 71 (36.4%) patients had External bleeding and 133 (68.2%) had consciousness. Total number of 195 patients out of which 179 (91.8%) had Intracranial hematoma. Conclusion: On the basis of the results it was concluded that head and facial injury had increase prevalence rate in people with road traffic accident but no significant difference was observed between head and facial fracture cases with ICH.
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