Phase-dependent expression profiling and quantification of several growth factors in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy
Growth factors in liver regeneration
Growth factors are the potential operational members which control different phases of liver regeneration. Different growth factors have expression regulation in the whole process relating to different phases of liver regeneration. Objective: To assess the expression regulation of different growth factors and cytokines involved in liver regeneration in a phase-dependent manner. Methods: Blood and liver samples were collected and analyzed on 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 14th postoperative days after 50% Partia hepatectomy (PHx). Results: Steady increase of liver regeneration rate was recorded from 90.8% (1st day) to 97.9% (7th day). Liver function tests further confirmed the steady liver recovery in PHx mice. Several growth factors such as HGF and VEGF exhibited an up-regulation till 5th day and later gradual decrease till 14th day compared to control mice. Albumin, CK18 and CK19 showed sequential expression increase from 1st to 14th day compared to AFP and HNF-4α upregulated until 5th and 1st day, respectively. Quantification of these growth factors further confirm our results. Conclusions: Conclusively, these results highlight a phase-dependent regulation and role of growth factors in liver regeneration and recovery
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