Perception of Medical Students towards Teaching and Training at Public and Private Medical Colleges of Peshawar Using Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure
DREEM, medical students, perception, public, private, teaching, trainingAbstract
The importance of teaching and training quality has been acknowledged as critical for successful learning and practical skill development. The perceptions of medical students toward teaching and training offer a good basis for altering and refining the quality of medical teaching. The purpose of this study was to analyses students' perceptions of teaching also training at public and private medical colleges of Peshawar, Pakistan. Materials and Methods: The Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM) questionnaire was given to 240 pupils from various public and private medical schools. The questionnaire has 27 items that were rated on an 0-4 Likert scale (total scores between 0-108). The questionnaire had five subscales that assessed students' perceptions of learning, teaching, environment, academic self-perception, and social self-perception. Data was collected and mean and standard deviation for each subscale was calculated using SPSS. Results: The total mean score of DREEM both public and private was 64/108 (59%). The total mean score for public and private was 65/108 (60%) and 62/108 (57%) respectively. The total score of SPL domain for public and private was 16.81/28 (61%) and 16.09/28 (57%). The total score of SPT was 19.52/32 (61%) for pubic and 19.67/32 (61%), while that of SASP was 5.02/8 (62%) and 4.33/8 (54%). The total score of SPA domain was 19.31/32 (60%) and 17.91/32 (55%) while that of SSSP was 4.9/8 (61%) and 4.49/8 (56%) for public and private medical colleges respectively. For SPA, SSSP, SASP, SPL and SPT domain the score of public medical colleges was ≥60% and for private only SPT was 61% and the remaining were <60%. Conclusions: Total DREEM score was 64.02 which are more positive than negative. However, the individual scores of domains for both public and private medical colleges were showing a positive perception of students except the SASP domain for private medical colleges, which is showing many negative aspects and needs further exploration.
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