Frequency of Piriformis Syndrome among Female Physiotherapy Students of Gujranwala, Pakistan
Piriformis Syndrome among Female Physiotherapy Students
Piriformis Syndrome, Piriformis Muscle, Fat Wallet Syndrome or Wallet Neuropathy, Sciatic painAbstract
Piriformis Syndrome (PS) is a neuromuscular disorder that is caused when piriformis muscle compresses the sciatic nerve. Its prevalence is very high in sedentary population and young people have more risk factors of getting affected with piriformis tightness that causes PS and later on lower back pain. The incidence rate of PS among patients with lower back pain varies from 5% to 36%, prevalence with sciatic nerve is 17% and prevalence with common peroneal nerve is 81%. Its etiology can be primary or secondary. Primary will be anatomical variation and secondary will be due to any other causes (trauma or local ischemia). It is more common in females with ratio of 3 to 1 Objectives: To determine the frequency of piriformis syndrome among the female physical therapy students of Gujranwala. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted in physical therapy female students of different institutes of Gujranwala. Data was collected from 195 students with Convenient sampling technique. The Diagnostic tools used was Visual Analogue Scale Piriformis syndrome diagnostic criteria. Results: Out of 195 female physical therapy students 72 (36.9%) had a high score and had a high probability of having piriformis syndrome. Only (4) 2.1% were unlikely of having piriformis syndrome while in majority of the participants 119 (61%) piriformis syndrome was not considered. Conclusions:
Female physical therapy students of Gujranwala have a low to moderate probability of having PS, with increased probability of buttock pain associated with prolonged sitting.
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