Arrhythmias after Implantation of the Left Ventricular Assisted Device
Arrhythmias after Implantation of the Left Ventricular Assisted Device
Cardiac arrhythmias has been frequently reported after left ventricular assist devices implantation but currently literature shows no sufficient information on cardiac arrhythmias. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the frequency and other features of ventricular and supra ventricular ectopic beats ((SVEB), atrial fibrillation (AF)/flutter (AFL) post device implantation. Methods:This is a retrospective study conducted in Department of Cardiac-Surgery, University of Verona Medical School, Verona, Italy from June 2014-September 2016. Rhythm monitoring and registration were collected from 16 patients (13 males; 45±13years) during the first five (05) days after implantation. To assess late post-operative rhythm, patient’s hospital electronic records were used as well asfunctional hemodynamic parameters including mean arterial pressure(MAP), right atrial pressure(RAP), heart rate(HR) and ST-deviation(d-ST). Results: Ventricular arrhythmia (n=9), atrial fibrillation (n=5) or atrial flutter (n=2) episodes were preoperatively present in 11 patients. Postoperatively, 5 patients developed either VT (n=2), AF (n=1) or both VT/AF (n=2) during a follow-up of 18±14 months. Prior to postoperative VT (POVT) episodes (n=123), MAP decreased, HR, d-ST increased and RAP remained unaltered. POVT were initiated either by single VEBS (28%), V-couplets (15%), V-run (46%) or occurred suddenly (11%).Conclusions: Ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias are common after device implantation. The frequency of sustained VTA was less at early phase as compared to late postoperative phase.
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