Prevalence And Risk Factors of Fear of Fall Among Old Age Population of Lahore, Pakistan
Fear of Fall Among Old Age Population
Fear of fall, Old age population, Fall Self efficacy scale 1Abstract
Falls are one of the most common problems that older people face, and they are a major contributor to their higher morbidity and mortality rates. Anxiety over falling, whether actual or perceived, is the most common description of this condition. Objective: To assess prevalence and risk factors of fear of falling among old population in Lahore, Pakistan Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 139 old age population. The data was collected on the spot from the University of Lahore teaching hospital and doctor hospital. Data was collected using a non-probability convenient sampling technique. Fall efficacy scale 1 and self-administered questionnaire were used for data collection. Results: 64% of the 139 participants were female, while 39.6% were male; 19 (13.7%) were over 80 years old, while 36 (24.9%) were 60 to 69 years old; BMI of 71 (51%) was below normal; and 62 (44.6%) had a history of falling. Fear of falling was expressed by 62.6% of the older population, and it was linked to all risk factors. Conclusion: Fear of falling is very common in the old population of Lahore, Pakistan Furthermore age, BMI, and past fall experience were all connected to fear of falling.
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