Menstrual Irregularities Post Tubal Ligation
Menstrual Irregularities Post Tubal Ligation
Sterilization, Menstruation, Contraception, Polymenorrhea, Tubal ligationAbstract
The most popular form of family planning is tubal ligation. Decades-long debates have surrounded the possibility of the post-tubal ligation syndrome of menstrual irregularities. Objective: To study the frequency of menstrual irregularities after tubal ligation in women attending gynecological outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital setting. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on 126 females who had history of post tubal ligation syndrome. Cases were verified and data were collected. Duration and length of menstrual cycle was noted. Laboratory examination was done. Duration of tubal ligation was also noted. Their age, name and hospital registration number were also noted down. A control group of 50 healthy females was made for the comparison of menstrual disturbance. Result: The patients mean age was 39.5±3.4 years. Maximum of the patients 71(56.3%) of the patients had age between 37 to 42 years. The duration of tubal ligation observed in 118 (93.7%) of the patients more than or equal to 1 year. Type of menstrual disturbance such as polymennorrhea in 76(60.3%), menorrhagia in 51(40.5%) and intermenstrual bleeding in 9(7.1%) of the patients respectively. Final outcome menstrual irregularity was presented in 74 (58.7%) of the patients. Age group with menstrual irregularity was presented in 40(53.5%) patients versus 31 (43.7%) patients who had absent menstrual irregularity. Similarly, duration of tubal ligation was compared with menstrual irregularity and presented in 69(58.5%) of the patient compared with 49(41.5%) patients who had absent menstrual irregularity. Conclusion: The older group of patients has high prevalence of menstrual irregularities.
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