Virtual Classrooms during the Covid-19 pandemic


  • Sana Hassan University College of Medicine and Dentistry, The University of Lahore, Teaching Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan



In order to contain the virus, lockdown was imposed and as a consequence, education delivery methods have changed drastically, with e-learning progressively identifiable, and teaching being carried out with the help of digital platforms.Teachers are struggling with Zoom and Google classrooms to teach students. The conventional style of lectures is deemed incompetent and has been criticized for its inadequacy in involving students, now the focus has been diverted on more innovative pedagogical methods, such as group training, peer interaction and integrated or 'flipped' learning. These practices can continue on-line and can help to develop and expand the interest of students. Multiple IT tools can now be incorporated as a teaching strategy so that Professors and teachers, rather than emphasizing on the classical lecture format, can bring innovation and interactivity to their teaching.

One of a very basic and interesting tool is Interactive Video. It allows teachers to enable students to practice questions and discussions while watching videos, by marking signs at specific moments during that video. Mostly the topics are previously taught so it`s easy for a student to understand the lesson. Students can even return back and watch the same video again, in order to develop thorough understanding of a topic. The performance of each student can be evaluated and this approach keeps track of their problems and the topics which are harder to understand. The students stay motivated as the feedback is instant and timely.

May educators take Quizzes as standard in classrooms, This learning format develops variety of discussion and suggestions.Apps like Kahoot, Socrative, Quizlet can result in effective classroom engagement. These apps when assigned, allow teachers to test understanding of students simultaneously. Quizzes may be in the form of open-ended short questionnaires, short answer question, true-false, or multiple choice questions. When the quiz iscreated by the educator and displayed, students can either use their laptops, computers or phones to respond. This is a synchronous type of interaction, where the teachers screen is displaying the questions,and students have to reply through their own devices.

It is difficult to engage students during online classes and this issue need to be resolved. If such an approach is adoptedwhich highlight students perspective into consideration rather than trying to accomplish a fake on-campus experience online. Novel methods to teach using digital technologycompliments the teaching system and adds creativity. The concept of virtual classroom is potentially off-putting and unfamiliar for new students, studying online for the first time. There are multiple factors influencingthe engagement and involvement of students in online system of teaching: it includes family of students due to which students are distracted and focus less during online sessions, additionally, there may be lack of proper technical facilities i.e they may either have no digital facility or older and slower versions which make it difficult for students to understand during the online classes. Therefore, teachers must keep all these issues in mind in order to impart proper knowledge to students and address the difficulties these students are facing. A proper and clear communication is the key to succeed in online teaching sessions.






How to Cite

Hassan, S. (2021). Virtual Classrooms during the Covid-19 pandemic. Pakistan BioMedical Journal, 4(2), 2–3.



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