Effect of pH and Different Fermentation Time Intervals on the Production of Single Cell Proteins (SCPs) from Potato Peels
Production of Single Cell Proteins
Optimization, Biomass, Potato peels, pH, Fermentation TimeAbstract
Dried cells of microorganisms such as fungi, algae, and bacteria, known as Single-Cell Proteins (SCPs), are utilized as a source of protein supplements in animal feed or human food. These SCPs can be produced through the use of low-cost feedstocks and waste materials as sources of carbon and energy, which can be converted into biomass and concentrated proteins. Objective: To optimize the yield and growth of dry cell biomass through the manipulation of fermentation conditions. Methods: A batch fermentation process was used to produce dry cell biomass from a microorganism. Different pH values, fermentation times, and reactor configurations were tested, and the resulting biomass was analyzed for its protein content. Results: The maximum yield of dry cell biomass was achieved at pH 4.5, with a yield of 1.951 g/100 ml. The maximum dry biomass was achieved after 72 hours of fermentation, with a yield of 2.824 g/100 ml. The maximum yield of dry biomass was achieved with an Airlift fermenter at an aeration rate of 1.0 vvm and a temperature of 35°C for 72 hours, resulting in a yield of 5.452 g/L. The protein content of the dried cell biomass was found to be in the range of 45-55%. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the yield and growth of dry cell biomass can be optimized by controlling the fermentation conditions, specifically pH, fermentation time, and reactor configuration. These findings may have implications for the industrial-scale production of dry cell biomass, as they offer insight into how to maximize yield and protein content.
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