Determining Genetic Variability and Taxonomy of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis through rbcL Molecular Marker
Genetic Variability and Taxonomy of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, rbcL Marker, Taxonomy, Genetic VariabilityAbstract
Medicinal plants have been used in traditional medicine for a long time. These plants contain phytochemicals that have a variety of medicinal properties. However, accurate identification and authentication of medicinal plant species ensured their safety and efficacy. DNA barcoding using molecular markers has proven to be a useful method for plant species identification. The rbcL molecular marker was used for detailed characterization, amplification, and phylogenetic studies of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic properties and potential applications of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Methods: Samples of H. rosa-sinensis were collected, and DNA was isolated by the Doyle and Doyle method. The presence of DNA was confirmed by gel electrophoresis, and specific primers were used for PCR amplification. The PCR results were sequenced using next-generation sequencing techniques. After that, a neighbor-joining technique was used for phylogenetic analysis and to obtain pairwise nucleotide distances. Gel electrophoresis confirmed the presence of DNA in plant samples, and PCR amplification using rbcL primers generates successful amplification results. Results: The obtained sequence was 99.7% identical to the previously reported rbcL gene sequence from H. rosa-sinensis. Based on phylogenetic research, H. rosa-sinensis was discovered as a closely related species. Conclusions: The rbcL gene has been found as a viable molecular marker for H. rosa-sinensis identification and phylogenetic analysis. The results of this study demonstrated the therapeutic potential of H. rosa-sinensis and the importance of species identification in herbal medicine. DNA barcoding proved a reliable authentication and quality control technology in the herbal medicine business.
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