Utilization of Antenatal Care Services among Patients Presenting in Ayub Teaching Hospital
Utilization of Antenatal Care Services among Patients
Antenatal Care, Obstetric Profile, Maternal HealthAbstract
Regular use of antenatal care services during pregnancy has a positive impact on maternal and fetal health and serves as a tool to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality. Objective: To assess the utilization of antenatal care services among pregnant women at Ayub Teaching Hospital in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in Ayub Teaching Hospital in Abbottabad, KPK province, Pakistan. Data were collected on paper-based questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS. A total of 208 patients participated. Results: Key findings from the study indicated that the average age of participants was 28 years. The majority of women came from lower-middle-class backgrounds. The study also revealed a wide range of educational backgrounds among participants. Most women had prior pregnancy experience. The study found that a significant percentage of women initiated antenatal visits during the first trimester with drop in visits during the third trimester. Understanding the reasons for seeking care is crucial, with various medical concerns and routine check-ups cited. Barriers to utilization included lack of awareness, family issues, and geographical distance. Additionally, only 72% of women reported taking recommended supplements during pregnancy. Conclusions: The study identified that women from middle income group with previous experience of pregnancy seek antenatal care in first trimester with various pregnancy problems but visits were not consistent. Major reason for non-utilization of services was unawareness about the services.
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