Effect of Different Concentrations of Jamun and Amla Extracts to Combat Diabetes Mellitus
Concentrations of Jamun and Amla Extracts to Combat Diabetes Mellitus
syzygium cumini, Phyllanthus emblica, diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucoseAbstract
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder affecting the health of people at large scale. It adversely affects the quality of life and can be managed by changes in life style including diet Objective: To compare the effect of different concentrations of jamun and amla on blood Glycemic Index of diabetes mellitus. Methods: A total 25 male Wister rats aged 10-12 weeks, weight above 150g were selected for the 2 months study. Male rats were purchased from IMBB research laboratory, The University of Lahore (UOL). During the efficacy study, streptozotocin (STZ) induced rats were divided into five homogenous groups with 5 rats in each group. To For control group and T1, T2, T3 and T4 includes normal diet with different concentration of Jamun and Amla extracts. The change in body weight (g) and fasting blood glucose (FBG)(mg/dL) for each group of rats were monitored on every 15 days to estimate any suppressing effect of seed formulation. Results: The mean age of diabetic rats selected for study were10.61±0.493 weeks. Weight of STZ induced rats were monitored but no significant difference was shown, however mean weight of 5% Amla and 5% Jamun supplemented diet groups show an increase in mean body weight pre- and post-treatment 18.8±15.95g and 8±19.85g respectively. The minimum post-treatment FBG level of rats was noted in 5% jamun and 5% amla supplemented group with mean FBG 111.4±24mg/dL and 131.2±57.1mg/dL respectively. Conclusions: The study concluded that jamun and amla both groups show a significant reduction in fasting blood glucose level but no significant mean difference was shown in body weight gain. At the end of the study 5% amla and 5% jamun composition groups had shown significant improvement in FBG levels among diabetic induced rats.
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