Perception of Physiotherapists of Lahore, Pakistan about the effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Short and Long Term Pain Management
Physical therapy, TENS, Electrotherapy, Private clinicsAbstract
To determine the knowledge about TENS usage among professional physical therapists of Lahore city. Methods: In this study cross sectional survey was conducted in Physiotherapy department of UOL Teaching Hospital, CMH, Ghurki Teaching Hospital and Social Security Hospital, Lahore. The sample size of 117physical therapist participated in this study. Questionnaire was used to determine response of participants. Results: 117 questionnaires were filled by physical therapists, using electrotherapy (TENS) in their setup. Only 81.2% physical therapist found TENS effective as a sole treatment for acute pain, while 36.8% founds it effective as a sole treatment for chronic pain. Physical therapists 70% in Lahore prefer using gels/lotions with TENS about for prolonged relief. Majority of physical therapists (84.6%) were satisfied with the effectiveness of TENS applying with other modalities. Conclusion: TENS is frequently used among Physical Therapist aged more than 26 years. Most of physical therapist found it effective for both short and long term care. Physical therapist were frequently using it for the management of frozen shoulder pain.
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