Density and Diversity of Rotifers from Shore of a Flood Plain, Balloki Head Works
Density & Diversity of Rotifers in Balloki Head Works
The present research work is an investigation of Rotifers from flood plains of Balloki Head Works using diversity indices.Objective: To study the density and diversity of rotifers of flood plain. Methods:collection of rotifers was done from the shore of flood plains from September to July. In total, 15 different species were identified. Rotifers were extracted from soil sample by a customized Baermann Funnel method. A moderate diversity of rotifers was explored by Shannon – Weaver. Simpson index of dominance supported this result. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that there was no significant difference in population density of rotifers among months as the p-value was greater than 5% (α= 0.05). Population density of rotifers was negatively correlated with water temperature and pH whereas a positive correlation was observed with electrical conductivityResults:Overall a moderate diversity was observed. Rotifer density and distribution was under the influence of physico-chemical parameters.
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