Diversity Analysis of Rotifers from Temporary Spring Pools of Jallo Park, Lahore, Pakistan
Diversity Analysis of Rotifers from Jallo Park, Lahore, Pakistan
Temporary pools are relatively small water bodies with limited resources and are seasonally available. These freshwater bodies are rich source of microbial and planktonic lifeObjective:This survey was conducted to find out the presence of rotifers in temporary pools formed inJallo Park established in 1978 and explore their density and diversityMethods:Sample collection was done from ten pools with the help of a planktonic mesh. The counting was performed with a Sedgwick- Rafter chamber. Diversity indices like Shannon Weaver index etc. were applied Results: In present study 27 rotifer species belonging to 14 genera were identified. The highest diversity and density was shown by Brachionus and Lecane. There was even distribution in each pool. Results of ANOVA showed statistically significant difference in population density and diversityConclusions:This study has presented a guideline to find out rotifer diversity which could be present in any water reservoir like temporary pool.
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