Effect Of Forward Head Posture with Neck Disability and Quality of Life in Freelancer
Effect of Forward Head Posture with Neck Disability and Quality of Life in Freelancers
Disability, Forward head posture, Functional disability, Neck, Quality of lifeAbstract
Freelancer is an independent person who earns money from clients on a task basis. Freelancers are often known to work on a computer or a laptop. They spend the majority of the time on the computer due to which they are more likely to develop bad posture Objective: To determine the effect of forward head posture with neck disability and quality of life in Freelancers. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 133 participants. The data was collected from freelancer teachers and students from The University of Lahore. Goniometer was used to assess the people with forward head posture. The neck disability was assessed by using neck disability index questionnaire. Quality of life was assessed by using SF-36 questionnaire. History of the symptoms including pain and tenderness clicking was noted. Results: The results showed that the frequency of posture, no forward head cases out of 133 were 24 (18.0%) and forward head cases out of 133 were 109 (82.0%). The results show the comparative relationship between posture and hours for which people use laptop. About 21 people without forward head posture use laptop for 4 to 6 hours and around 46 people with forward neck posture use laptop for 12 to 14 hours. The results show the comparative relationship between posture and time at which people use laptop. About 9 people (37.5%) without forward head posture use laptop at late night and around 38 people (34.9%) with forward neck posture use laptop at night time Conclusions: Based on the result, it was concluded that forward head posture has a strong effect on neck functional disability and quality of life in freelancers.
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