Effects Of Active Release Technique and Active Isolated Stretching on Muscles of Upper Cross Syndrome
ART and AIS on Upper Cross Syndrome
Active release technique (ART), Active Isolated Stretching (AIS), Muscle-length, Upper-cross syndrome (UCS)Abstract
Upper cross syndrome is a condition in which there exist a muscle imbalance in upper quadrant, involving weakness of some muscles and tightness of others. In UCS, levator scapulae muscle, upper fibers of trapezius muscle, and pectoralis minor get stiff and shortened from their original length occasionally involving pectoralis major muscle. Objectives: To compare the effect of Active release technique and active isolated stretching on the muscles of upper cross syndrome. Methods: This study was a single blinded randomized clinical trial. Muscle length measurement by Vernier calipers and measuring tape between standard bony landmarks, NDI (neck disability index), Cervical rotation ROM, Cranio-vertebral angle & Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) tools for screening will be used for data collection. Recorded values were analyzed for any change using SPSS 21.0 version. Results: In ART the mean value of NPRS was 2.21 ± 1.49 and in AIS was 2.31 ± 1.35. For ART group the mean NDI score was 15.12 ± 8.83 and for AIS group was 16.1250 ± 5.3898. The mean of cranio-vertebral angle in AIS group was 47.2125 ± 1.9373 and in ART group was 48.1819 ± 1.6483 which is nearer to normal CV angle. Conclusions: The study concluded that both Active release technique (ART) and Active isolated stretching (AIS) are effective methods of treatment. It was indicated that Active release technique (ART) was helpful in pain relief, improving range, cranio-vertebral angle, muscle length and functional status in subjects with Upper-cross syndrome (UCS).
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