Comparison between Strength Training and Endurance Training in Neck patients: A RCT
Strength Training and Endurance Training in Neck patients
Strength Training, Neck pain, physicians, chronic neck painAbstract
Common Neck pain is one of the most common issues in this era. Every other working woman have been complaining about neck problems. Objective: To determine the effect of intensive isometric and mild endurance training of neck muscles in women with chronic neck pain. Methods: Female patients suffering from neck pain were randomly enrolled into three groups. Group A was of control patients and group B and C were Interventional group. Consent form was taken and participants were fully informed about the task. This process ensured that in each group patients distributed with equal severity of neck pain. These states were assessed mainly by medical history and clinical examination before entering the study. Results: In current study, exercise program was examined at different intervals of follow-up visits through interviews. Conclusion: Strength and Endurance training both methods are effectively improving discomfort and debility in females by nonspecific, long-lasting neckline discomfort. Aerobic exercises and stretching along with strength training are more effective as compare to perform alone aerobic exercise.
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