Frequency of dental caries in 1-5 years aged children and its impact on their quality of life
Oral diseases can vastly depreciate the individual’s quality of life. It has also been considered as the most important oral health burden worldwide. It can also have significant implications on the functional, mental, and social well-being of the individual. This has been found as a preventable dental and oral health issue which have also been amongst the most prevalent chronic disease. Objectives: To estimate the frequency of dental caries and its impact on the quality of children’s life in Hafiz- Abad, Pakistan. Methods: It was a cross sectional analytics based study spanning around nine months. Three hundred and seventy children (aged between 1-5 years) were included as subjects, who visited the District Headquarter (DHQ) hospital, Hafiz Abad, Lahore, Pakistan. Dental caries were measured by using decayed missing filled (DMF) index. Data was collected and analyzed by using SPSS version 23.0. Results: A high prevalence frequency of 243 (65.7%) were found suffering from dental caries. High prevalence of dental caries (70%) in children of low literate parents has been found statistically significant (p=0.035). As far as brushing frequency is concerned 93.8% children were not found brushing their teeth prior to breakfast. Theassociation between brushing frequency prior to breakfast and formation of dental caries was found statistically significant (p<0.001). Conclusion:High prevalence of dental caries coupled with high severity level was found associated with the worse dental and oral hygiene awareness levels amongst the preschool children and their parents
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