Metabolic Syndrome & Its Dietary Management; A REVIEW
Metabolic Syndrome & Its Dietary Management
Metabolic Syndrome or MetS is a multifactorial disease consisting of obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia. It’s common in 25% of the general population in the Northern US and Western Europe. In Pakistan, the statistics of MetS are unknown, however, it is expected to be twice that of the US. The middle age group and the geriatrics population have the highest number of MetS cases with risk factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol, inadequate, inadequate sleep, and a non-vegetarian diet. The complications of MetS include obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular events. A Meditteranean diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and olive oil as the source of fat is considered to be the only effective dietary management in MetS. Moreover, a high lean protein, low and complex carbohydrate and moderate unsaturated fats have also shown positive progress in MetS, especially with long-term weight reduction. Micronutrients requirements also increase in MetS. Fulfilling these increased requirements has been shown to regulate and improve the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Vitamin C and E, flavonoids, vitamin D, conjugated linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals such as magnesium and chromium, α-lipoic acid, phytoestrogens, and dietary fiber all have been studied to support the treatment of MetS along with aloe vera and other herbal products, yoga and aerobic exercises.
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