Effect of storage on peanut yogurt
Peanuts may be consumed in a variety of processed forms like roasted, raw and processed etc. and represent as a multimillion dollar crop worldwide with many potential dietary benefits as it contains high protein and health effective oils. Objective: The present investigation was planned to evaluate thephysio-chemical properties of peanut milk yogurt by the addition of different concentration of peanut milk (0 %, 10 %, 20 % and 30 %), skimmed milk liquid (60 %, 70 %, 80 %, and 90 %), skimmed milk powder (9 %) and sugar (1 %). Methods:The physico-chemical tests (pH, acidity, moisture, ash, fat, protein, syneresis, and viscosity) were examined after every 5 days of interval for a period of 15 days at 4 ºC. Results:The results of physico-chemical analysis revealed that pH, ash, fat, protein and viscosity decrease during storage period where as acidity, moisture and rate of syneresis increased during storage. Treatment T1 (10 % peanut milk) was comparatively best for manufacturing of peanut milk yogurt followed by T2 (20 % peanut milk + 70 % skimmed milk liquid + 9 % skimmed milk powder + 1 % sugar) while peanut milk yogurt from (30 % peanut milk + 60 % skimmed milk liquid + 9 % skimmed milk powder + 1 % sugar) had the lowest degree of firmness. Conclusions:It was noticed that correlation among fat, total solids and protein contents in peanut milk affect the extent of serum separation and pH of yogurt.The storage had significant effects on all physico-chemical parameters. Treatments had significant effect on all physico-chemical parameters
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