Assessment of Blood Glucose and Calcium Concentrations Among healthy female volunteers
Blood glucose & calcium in females
Abstract: Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia are associated with a number of complications including kidney damage, neurological damage, cardiovascular damage, damage to the retina or damage to feet and legs, lethargy, impaired mental functioning and irritability. The most abundant mineral in the body is calcium. Its abnormal levels also associated with multiple disorders. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the blood glucose and calcium levels in healthy female volunteersMethods: A cross sectional study was conducted at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore, over a period of 6 months, after obtaining the ethical approval from the The University of Lahore. A total number of 60 females were enrolled through consecutive sampling technique. Females of all age groups were included. All of the females had gone through routine history taking and lab investigations for the assessment of blood glucose an calcium concentrations. Results: In this study out 60 female participants, 33.3% were between ages of 15-30 years, 33.3% were between age of 31-50 years and remaining 33.3% were above 50 years old. All females of age group 15-30 years had normal glucose levels while single case of age group 15-30 years had abnormal calcium level. The results indicated that females of above age 50 years had low calcium and high glucose levels due to poor nutrition and less physical activity.Conclusions:The results of the current study showed that females with increasing age should intake food enriched in calcium and low glucose and adopt a physically active life style to manage normal blood glucose levels.
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