Demographic Profile Associated With Malnutrition
Demographic Profile Associated With Malnutrition
Worldwide, malnutrition is the severemost health problem leading to the highest rate of disease and mortality among children less than 5 years of age.Objective:To find out the association between malnutrition and demographic profile.Methods:350 malnourished children were chosen by non-probability convenient sampling technique from Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Lahore. Children were assessed through pre-tested questionnaire.Data were analyzed by SPSS version 21.0.Results:45% malnourished children were 1-3 years of age, majority of the children were females (52%), 89% children were from rural areas, 82.6% children were from low socioeconomic status, 54.6% mothers were uneducated,50% malnourished children were not having their own house, 115 malnourished children were having 3 or more siblings and 89 mothers were having less than one year of pregnancy gap.Conclusions:Low socioeconomic status, illiteracy of mothers, rural area, gap between pregnancy and female gender has been found to be linked with malnutrition in children below 5 years of age.
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