Performance Evaluation of Waste Management Practices at DHQ Hospital Sheikhupura
Hospital waste management (HWM) is extremely important and it is very different kind of waste that has high potential of spreading infection and diseases. There should be proper management of this waste, otherwise it can be hazardous Objective: The objective of the study is to evaluate the waste management practices at DHQ Hospital, Sheikhupura Methods: It was cross-sectional hospital-based study. The study was carried out at DHQ Hospital Sheikhupura. The sample size of the study was 169 including 94 waste handlers, 45 nurses and 30 doctors were included. Data was collected through questionnaire using non-probability convenient sampling technique, which was entered and statistically analyzed using SPSS 20.0. Results: Among 94 waste handlers, 30.8% were 21-30 years old, 64.9% males and 45.7% had up to 5 years’ work experience. 67.0% had been vaccinated, 87.2% confirmed that waste is segregated at source and100.0% waste handlers were provided with color bags for various types of hospital wastes. 92.6% stated that pre-treatment procedure is carried out before hospital waste disposal and 75.5% waste handlers were provided with protective gears. Among 45 nurses, 55.6% were 31-40 years old and 64.4% had up to five years’ work experience. 100.0% nurses ensured internal collection of waste bags & containers and their transportation to the central storage facility of hospital on the daily basis. 82.2% coordinated and monitored all the operations related to waste management and for this purpose regularly met with hospital waste management committee. 100.0% nurses recorded the waste quantities generated by the department on weekly basis. Among 30 doctors, 73.3% organized training activities for HWM staff on safe waste management procedures.
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