Determinants of Peptic Ulcer
Determinants of Peptic Ulcer
Globally, peptic ulcer is a disease that is very common in an adult population with 10% prevalence. Patients with H.pylori infection has 3 to 4 folds higher risk of getting peptic ulcer.
Objective: To find out the determinants of Peptic ulcer among the patients visiting Services Hospital LahoreMethods:A Cross sectional study was carried out. Patients were selected through non-probability convenient sampling technique from Services Hospital, Lahore. Patients were assessed through pre-tested questionnaire. SPSS version 21.0 was used for analysis of data.The study was carried out at Medical departments of Services Hospitals, Lahore during Dec-2017 to March-2018Results: The prevalence of peptic ulcer was higher in males i.e. 68%. 41% patients were 36-45 years of age, 63% patients were from urban areas, 40% of patients were overweight, 32% patients were secondary educated and 75% patients were having no knowledge about peptic ulcer. There was significant association of gender with consumption of fried food items and smokingConclusions: Study concluded that, male gender, low educational status, work pressure, smoking, addiction of pain killers and intake of fried food items were the risk factors of peptic ulcer.
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