Impact Of Balance Training and Coordination Exercises in Post Hemiplegic Stroke Patients
Balance Training and Coordination Exercises for Post Hemiplegic Stroke
Hemiplegic stroke, Balance & CoordinationAbstract
A medical condition that occurs due to interrupted blood supply to the brain leading to restricted oxygen supply to the tissues resulting in cell death is known as “stroke”. It is considered as a second leading cause of death globally and a major cause of disabilities for the patients surviving from its fatality. Monoplegia, Diplegia, Hemiplegia, Quadriplegia, hemiparesis are all the different gifts of the stroke given to multiple patients suffering from it. Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the difference between the hemiplegic stroke patients who have undergone physical therapy treatment in contrast to those patients who have not taken any physical therapy treatment. Methods: Cross sectional study design was selected for the performance of the research. Research setting was a Government Sector Hospital. Specific balance and coordination exercises were given to the hemiplegic stroke patients and their effect was observed in the term of their recovery speed. Out of sample of 40 individuals, some have taken physical therapy rehabilitation with varying number of sessions and intensity of exercises while in contrast, some have not taken any physical therapy from scratch following stroke. Brunel Balance Assessment (BBA) scale was measured in relation to the effect of exercises given to the patients. Results: The data analysis has shown significant improvement in balance and different fine motor movements in post training group as compared to those who have not taken physical therapy rehabilitation. Data analysis has clearly shown that percentage of improvement in the condition of patients is directly related to the frequency of exercise given to them in their post stroke period. The BBA scale was having higher values in the patients undergoing physical therapy rehabilitation as compared to the patients who have not undergone any sort of physical therapy rehabilitation. Conclusion: Balance and coordination exercises have impact in the post hemiplegic stroke patients
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