Characterization of solid liver masses on ultrasound in adults
Characterization of Solid Liver Masses on Ultrasound
Solid liver masses, Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), Hemangioma, cholangiocarcinoma, UltrasoundAbstract
Liver carcinoma is the fifth leading cancer globally and the third top cause of mortality in 2012, there were 14 million new cases and 8.2 million fatalities. Objective: To accurately define solid liver masses in adults based on clinical presentation and ultrasound findings in order to obtain a definitive diagnosis in adults. Methods: It was a retrospective study consisting of total 128 individuals with untreated liver lesions examined on ultrasound (Toshiba Xario 100) at a private tertiary care hospital in Gujrat. From January 2021 to January 2022, 65 males and 63 females, ages ranging from 30 to 70 years. A convenient sampling technique was used to collect data by fully informed consent from patients to access. Data was entered and analyzed on SPSS version 22. Results: The current study included 128 patients aged ranging from 30–70 years, being examined using ultrasound for solid liver masses. The gender frequency was 65(50.8%) males and 63(49.2%) females. Ultrasound diagnosis interprets as 62(48.4%) Hepatocellular-carcinoma, 38(29.7%) hemangioma, 11(8.6%) FNH, 3(2.3%) metastasis, and 13(10.2%) cholangiocarcinoma. Moreover, ultrasound findings regarding liver masses diagnosed includes 99(38.7%) single masses, 29(11.3%) multiple masses, 47(18.4%) normal liver parenchyma and 81(31.6%) coarse liver. The common clinical complaints associated with solid hepatic lesions were right upper quadrant pain 80(35.4%), splenomegaly 69(30.5%) and 77(34.1%) hepatomegaly. Conclusions: It is concluded that the right upper quadrant pain, hepatomegaly has a correlation to solid liver masses and a weak relation to splenomegaly irrespective to age and gender. The most common solid liver mass was Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Ultrasound is a noteworthy imaging modality to diagnose solid hepatic masses.
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