Association Of Decreased Daily Physical Activities, Disturbed Sleep Pattern with Cervical Pain Among Young Adults
Disturbed Sleep Pattern with Cervical Pain Among Young Adults
Cervical pain, Neck pain, Sleep disturbance, Physical activitiesAbstract
There is broad variety in the manner in which neck pain is defined. While examination when providing details for neck pain there are five key points which apparently represented: 1. the origin of issue and information; 2. the situation or testing outline; 3. the neck pain seriousness, also the outcomes; 4. the neck pain extent; 5. the example after some moments. Other evidence showed there is lacking in amount and quality of sleep results in musculoskeletal displacement by patho-physiologically. The pain occurrence and the progression include many environmental and social causes which is widespread. Objective: The purpose of this study was to find the association of decreased daily physical activities, disturbed sleep pattern with cervical pain among young adults.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 90 persons presenting with cervical pain. Data was collected from students of University of Lahore. Non-probability Convenient Sampling Technique was used. Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire and The Sleep Revolution Sleep Quality Questionnaire by Arianna Huffington were used to collect data. Results: The total population was 90, which includes 33 males and 57 females with percentage 36.7% and 63.3% respectively. On pain scale to assess the cervical pain there were 43 (47.8%) persons with Mild pain, 37 (41.1%) having Moderate pain and 10 (11.1%) with severe pain. There were 58 (64.4%) persons are physically active even after cervical pain and 32(35.6%) physically not active. There were 3(3.3%) who have severed sleep problems, 16(17.8%) were with some sleep problems, 43(47.8%) having good sleep and 28(31.1%) sleep is in great shape. In this Study there was no association occurs between daily activities, sleep disturbance with cervical pain in overall results.
Conclusion: In this study overall, there was no association occurred in persons who were having any sort of cervical pain with daily physical activities and sleep patterns disturbance. As some of the individual activities like daily working, house hold activities, driving is affected in some of the cases with cervical pain.
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